Today, more than 4 million users rely on their agile, Microsoft-tailored learning platform and they continue to support both commercial and government customers in their evolving work environments.

To help deliver this, the company embarked on the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Dynamics 365 Business Central QuickStart for Client’s International Operations

The client’s learning platform is built into the expansive Microsoft 365 environment and designed to support millions of users and learners around the globe.
Our client, a prominent provider of learning management solutions, sought to optimise its Australian, New Zealand (ANZ) and broader APAC operations, elevate efficiency, and integrate core business functions with the rest of its global operations with Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Prior to the local deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central, the client was managing with operational inefficiencies stemming from a disparate system in ANZ, and a parent company already operating Business Central.
The company managed finance and customer data through separate platforms, leading to data silos, inconsistent reporting, and impediments in national and international decision-making processes.
This lack of integration hindered efficiencies from being on a common platform, and limited the company's ability to respond swiftly to market changes.
Microsoft Dynamics 365
Recognising the need for the comprehensive solution, the client engaged with certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner, Dynamic Aspect, to quickly and efficiently deploy Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Unified Business Functions
Business Central  served as a unifying platform, consolidating finance functionalities. This integration allowed for a centralized view of operations, enabling seamless data flow and real-time insights.
Efficient Financial Management
Leveraging Business Central's financial management tools, the client streamlined accounting processes, automated invoicing, and gained better control over financial data. This led to improved accuracy in financial reporting and enhanced cash flow management.
Scalability and Adaptability
As a cloud-based solution, Business Central delivered scalability to accommodate the client’s growing needs. Its adaptable nature allowed for configurations that aligned with the company's evolving requirements.
The deployment of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central QuickStart yielded significant outcomes for the client
The implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central marked a transformative journey for the client in ANZ and APAC, enabling the company to operate more cohesively, leverage data effectively, and deliver enhanced services to its clientele.
Increased Efficiency: Streamlined processes and centralized data improved operational efficiency, reducing manual efforts and enhancing productivity across departments.
Informed Decision-Making: Real-time insights empowered the management team with data-driven decision-making capabilities, facilitating quicker responses to market changes.
Cost Optimisation: Consolidation of systems led to reduced IT costs, eliminated redundancies, and improved resource allocation, resulting in substantial cost savings.
This integration laid a strong foundation for scalability and agility, positioning the client for continued growth and success in the competitive e-learning industry.